Toro Auxiliary Partners Procurement & Contracts

When purchasing items using Toro Auxiliary Partners funds there are policies you must follow to ensure each purchase makes good business sense and benefits the educational mission of the university. The goal of the Procurement Department is to acquire the products and services your department needs at a reasonable cost, consistent with expected quality and time requirements, and in compliance with policies. Toro Auxiliary Partners Procurement is also here to protect you and the university. The only individual permitted to enter into contract on behalf of the CSUDH Toro Auxiliary Partners is the Toro Auxiliary Partners Executive Director. All agreements must be sent to for proper vetting.

Gersan Urraca
Procurement & Contract Manager
Oversees TAP's procurement needs, ranging from processing Purchase Orders to Contract Management/Negotiation, Insurance Administration, Vendor Administration, Leased Equipment, and TAP Assets.
Ext: 3244
Code of Ethics
As a CSU auxiliary we commit ourselves to provide dedicated service to our customers, apply our best, unbiased judgment and maintain the highest ethical and moral standards in the conduct of CSU business. We guide our activity through the application and adherence to the following commonly shared values and ethical standards in our daily interaction with suppliers and university customers:
Conduct business in good faith; demanding honest, legal, and ethical practices from all participants in the procurement process.
Foster an open environment by being fair and reasonable in all dealings.
At no time and under no circumstances accept directly or indirectly gifts, gratuities or other things of value which might influence, or appear to influence, procurement decisions.
Promote positive supplier/contractor relationships by according vendor representatives courteous, fair and ethical treatment.
Make reasonable efforts to negotiate equitable and mutually agreeable settlements of controversies with supplier(s).
Avoid involvement in any transactions/activities that could be considered to be a conflict between personal interests and the interests of the CSU.
Know and obey the letter and spirit of laws governing the procurement functions and remain alert to the legal ramifications of procurement decisions.
Adhere to CSU Information Technology compliance for business intelligence solutions, cloud computing, e-business and e-commerce, intelligent systems, mobile computing and mobile commerce.
Positive efforts shall be made to utilize small businesses and minority, women or disabled-owned businesses.
CSUDH Toro Auxiliary Partners is committed to reducing our carbon footprint and partnering with companies with like-minded goals.

Who We Are and What We Do

Contracting authority is derived from a CSU Trustees delegation to the Chancellor who delegates authority to each campus President who in turn delegates within the campus. For Toro Auxiliary Partners that delegation has been given to the Executive Director. No other individual is authorized to enter CSUDH Toro Auxiliary Partners into a binding agreement. The Procurements and Contracts staff review all contracts creates, negotiates, and reviews contracts such as but not limited to Leases, Memorandum of Understandings, Revenue Agreements, Non-Disclosure Agreements, and Professional (Business) Service Agreements in preparation for Executive Director execution.
How To Purchase and Pay

There are various ways to purchase goods and services. In order to find out the options available, select the appropriate box below based on your purchase transaction type.
• Purchasing Policy compliance and approval of exceptions
• Preparation of the contract document
• Negotiation with the contracting entity if required
• Legal review if required
• Liaison for insurance services with Alliant Insurance
• Issuance of Certificate of Insurance and Additional Insured
• Approval of waivers in place of insurance
• Approval of exceptions to contracting policies/procedures
• RFPs: creation, committees, scoring, awarding
• Risk Mitigation
• Participant Accident Insurance Quotes
• Purchase Order preparation and data entry
• Procurement, including bidding and assistance with quotes
• Authorized account signer signing control
• Review and confirmation of Vendor Data Record Forms (VDRs).
• Review acceptability and thresholds of vendor certificates of insurance (COI’s) and additional insured endorsements
• Administration of liability waivers for vendors and contractors visiting campus whose contract is under the threshold for requiring insurance
• Food Truck Vendors: review of health and safety permits and insurance requirements
• Cash Deposits and Receipt Issuance to Customers.
• Deposit Entries into OneSolution (ERP System)
• Wells Fargo check deposits, reconciliation and balancing
• Check Signing Control
• Cash preparation for armored car pickup service (Brinks)
• Vendor database management and filing
• Record retention management
• General administrative duties, routing calls and assisting with general questions
A purchase order (PO) is an official document issued by a buyer committing to pay the seller for the sale of specific products or services to be delivered in the future.
The advantage to the buyer is the ability to place an order without immediate payment. From the seller’s perspective, a PO is a way to offer buyers credit without risk, since the buyer is obligated to pay once the products or services have been delivered.
Among other things, a PO specifies:
·Quantity purchased
·Product or service being purchased
·Specific brand names, SKUs, or model numbers
·Price per unit
·Delivery date
·Delivery location
·Billing address
·Payment terms, such as on delivery or in 30 days
POs require a quote which sometimes can be in the form of a contract (SOW/Fee Schedule) Say you engage with a contractor that you will be working with over a 6-month period, the contractor will be invoicing monthly. You’ll submit a PO for the total price quoted for the 6 months, but the Contractor will bill after he/she/they have provided the service; bill in February for services provided in January. The contractor simply submits an invoice against the PO. No need to regather all paperwork every month, it all ties back to the original paperwork submitted. Simply have an authorized signer sign anywhere on the invoice, reference your PO number and submit your invoice to for processing.
Did you know that the Bookstore accepts Foundation Purchase Orders and that you can purchase a wide variety of office supplies from the bookstore website? Also, the Bookstore can assist with custom logo orders and Gift Cards. PO's can be set up ahead of time by the bookstore with your specific rules and restrictions. CSUDH Bookstore - Dominguez Hills Apparel, Merchandise, & Gifts
For this option, please follow the Blanket Bookstore Procedure Guide at this link: Bookstore-Blanket-PO-Procedures.pdf (
Blanket ODP POs can be used for fiscal year ordering with a set budget limit.
• The PO is encumbered (held). If you do not use the full amount, the balance will return to the account listed on the PO when the PO is closed.
• You can reuse your PO number multiple times until you reach your max spending limit. There is no need to go through Foundation again; just login and place your order against your issued PO number.
• Invoices are sent electronically to Foundation Accounts Payable.
• Invoices will be paid within 30 days of receipt. You will be required to sign the invoice to certify that you have received the items.
• Minimum orders are $50.00.
For more information, click on the ODP Blanket PO Guide below.
With companies that don’t accept POs, Payment Check Requests, may be an option but Procurement and Contracts recommends working with established vendors who are setup on Net30. Established vendors generally have lower pricing and are known as reliable. Usually to become setup, the vendor will ask us to fill out a credit application, this is how they check if we’re a reliable company to do business with. Please ask your vendor/contractor how to get set up on Net30 and request a credit application. Provide that credit application to Toro Auxiliary Partners Accounting Department. For vendors such as speakers/artists that may require payment prior to services being performed, please complete a payment check request. All procurement policies and procedures will still apply for direct payments.
Payment Check Request is a vehicle for Direct Payment or Reimbursement (unlike a PO that is paid over time typically). Say a vendor you are working with will not accept a PO and they require payment before services or before the goods are even shipped, this is when you use a Payment Check Request. This method is riskier as you are paying before services are provided so recourse for deliverables not being received are diminished. Also, if you use direct pay and don’t receive the product, recouping costs is harder. Requires Invoice.
For items that do not require pre-approval, you may be able to place the purchase on a personal card or by cash if that is the
only option available. This option should be used as infrequently as possible. Foundation Procurement has a department Pcard
that we utilize to help customers and alleviate the burden of coming out of pocket for expenses. Please reach out to for more information about how we can make the purchase on your behalf with the department P-Card.
If you find yourself in a predicament where other purchasing options are not viable for your purchase and the best way forward is/was to purchase an item with personal funds, please complete a Payment Check Request for reimbursement. Requires receipt of payment for reimbursement.
Toro Auxiliary Partners Accounting Department is the oversight body for P-Cards not the Procurement and Contracts
Department. While many organizations refer to Pcards as Procurement cards at CSUDH Toro Auxiliary Partners, they are
Purchase Cards. Purchase cards and Payment Check Requests are under the purview of Accounting as they are direct payment
methods whereas Purchase Orders (under Procurement and Contracts) are promises to pay. Accounting processes the invoices submitted against POs.
You may be eligible to receive a Pcard. For more information, please complete the following application and turn it into the
Account specialist assigned to your area. Pcard Application.
Please note that all Procurement and Purchasing policies will apply including items that require pre-approval.
For more information, click on Purchase Card Policy
Purchase Policies

A purchase order (PO) is an official document issued by a buyer committing to pay the seller for the sale of specific products or services to be delivered in the future.
The advantage to the buyer is the ability to place an order without immediate payment. From the seller’s perspective, a PO is a way to offer buyers credit without risk, since the buyer is obligated to pay once the products or services have been delivered.
Among other things, a PO specifies:
Quantity purchased
Product or service being purchased
Specific brand names, SKUs, or model numbers
Price per unit
Delivery date
Delivery location
Billing address
Payment terms, such as on delivery or in 30 days
POs require a quote which sometimes can be in the form of a contract (SOW/Fee Schedule) Say you engage with a contractor that you will be working with over a 6-month period, the contractor will be invoicing monthly. You’ll submit a PO for the total price quoted for the 6 months, but the Contractor will bill after he/she/they have provided the service; bill in February for services provided in January. The contractor simply submits an invoice against the PO. No need to regather all paperwork every month, it all ties back to the original paperwork submitted. Simply have an authorized signer sign anywhere on the invoice, reference your PO number and submit your invoice to for processing.
Purchasing Policy compliance and approval of exceptions
Preparation of the contract document
Negotiation with the contracting entity if required
Legal review if required
Liaison for insurance services with Alliant Insurance
Issuance of Certificate of Insurance and Additional Insured
Approval of waivers in place of insurance
Approval of exceptions to contracting policies/procedures
RFPs: creation, committees, scoring, awarding
Risk Mitigation
Participant Accident Insurance Quotes
Checklists for POs – NEW!
Bookstore Blanket PO Guide
ODP Blanket PO Guide
(Amazon – future list)
ICT Procurement Request Form link
FAQ Insurance Guide (update in progress)